Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gerrard: My Best Form Is Just Round The Corner

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard is confident that his best form is just around the corner after recovering from a broken toe.
Gerrard: My Best Form Is Just Round The Corner

Steven Gerrard has finally fully recovered from his toe injury and confidently states that he is on the verge of hitting the heights again.

The Liverpool captain sustained the toe injury in a Champions League qualifier in Toulouse five weeks ago.

Despite the pain he played in two crucial matches for England in their Euro 2008 qualifying campaign, and now insists he is ready to lead Liverpool's assault on the Premier League title.

"I'm feeling a lot better now," Gerrard told his club's official website, "The last three or four days, I've been totally pain-free from my toe.

"I've struggled during the last two or three games and have been getting a lot of pain from it.

"But I've been training every session and can feel my sharpness coming back, so I think my top form is only around the corner."

On Saturday Liverpool are away to Wigan as they bid to get back to winning ways in the Premier League following successive goalless draws that have seen the Reds slip four points behind leaders Arsenal.

Woeful Man Yoo...OH Chelsea don't miss Mourinho anymore

Me I loooooooooooooove Liverpool FC I thot I should clear that first before i go any further. As such the hatred for Man Yooo is natural and mutual between the two sets of fans which makes this report here a very enjoyable...or is it right the word,well you get what i mean, do you still remember a team by the name Coventry City i know you have to scratch you head first, well they pulled a fast one a hapless Man Yooo that Fergie was shell-shocked so much for the recovery in form.

Mourinho's replacement albeit temporary has managed to work out a winning formula blowing away minnows Hull in a one sided encounter.Click here for the full report.

Zimbabweans in SA remitting US$0.5 billion a year – FT

The Financial Times (FT) has reported that Zimbabweans based in South Africa may be remitting US$500 million back to the home country every year based on a detailed survey of the Diaspora conducted by the University of South Africa (UNISA)

Based on a sample of nearly 5,000 Zimbabweans who have fled to Johannesburg, the University of South Africa survey sheds rare insight into the extent to which expatriates are propping up the tottering economy north of the border.

It also suggests that the scale of the exodus from President Robert Mugabe's repressive regime may be smaller than has been assumed. Based on the growth rate of migration from Zimbabwe in recent years the survey estimates there are between 800,000 and 1m Zimbabweans in South Africa.

This is fewer than the 2m-3m cited by South African officials. But considering that Zimbabwe's population is about 12m, the 1m figure is seen by analysts as more plausible.

"This is the best guess based on more than a thumb-suck from traffic across the border," the FT quoted Paul Graham, the executive director of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa. "It's certainly not as high as people have been saying."

The average monthly remittance home from the 4,654 Zimbabweans surveyed is R290 ($41.40, £20.70). If there are 1m Zimbabweans in South Africa, this rate would indicate that just under $500m (£250m) is being sent home every year.

More than two thirds of those surveyed rely on the drivers of minibus taxis, the region's staple transport, to take their money home. One fifth rely on friends and relations visiting South Africa and only 2 per cent use official banking channels.

Just over two thirds of the respondents said they would return to live in Zimbabwe if the political and economic situation stabilised.

Mr Graham is also reported by the FT as having noted that this year - which has seen official rates of inflation soar to more than 7,000 per cent a month - respondents cited for the first time the Zimbabwean economy rather than politics as their main reason for leaving.

Sasol expands chemical business in China

Sasol today announced the opening of an office in Shanghai to market its diverse range of chemical solvents in China.

Sasol Chemicals Shanghai Co Ltd (SCS) will initially market products from the global Sasol Solvents business. Sasol Solvents operates plants in South Africa and Germany and supplies a wide range of products, including glycol ethers, C3/C4 alcohols, esters and acids, ethanol, ethyl acrylate, fine chemicals and aldehydes, glacial acrylic acid, ketones, methanol, n-butyl acrylate and mining chemicals. These are used in aerosol, agricultural, cosmetic, fragrance, mining, packaging, paint, adhesive, pharmaceutical, polish, printing and other applications.

"The Chinese market is extensive and forms part of our vigorous pursuit of global growth opportunities in the chemicals sector. We believe that we can offer a significant value proposition to the Chinese chemical markets. The opening of SCS in Shanghai will lay a foundation for profitable and sustainable growth by enhancing customer service through local currency sales and new business development," says group GM for Sasol Chemical Businesses, Dr Reiner Groh.

Sasol also recently announced plans to increase its octene production at Secunda in South Africa by 100 000 tonnes per annum, and will also double its methyl iso-butyl ketone (MIBK) output at Sasolburg, near Johannesburg.

Octene is a comonomer that is used in the production of plastics. MIBK is used largely as a solvent in surface coatings.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Im finally set and ready to roll!!! This is going to be fun, I love football (soccer), music (listening to Peter Tosh now) , Zimbabwe and im going to be posting a lot of African business news so if you dig that then hang with me. For all your soccer news and video go here. For you music....well we will see as i go on, wanna have something to post tomorrow. im a bit tied now but of course i wanna leave you with this pic of one 'El Nino' aka Fernando Torres as he conquered Reading the full story is here and pliz pliz if you you want all that juicy hollywood gossip dont go anywhere else that its reeally happening. Check you out tomorrow.