Friday, November 7, 2008

Its Coming Out Beautifully!

Its a lot of fun here on my blog and tomorrow somemore fun, when I'm finally out there its going to be a lot of fun...I'M LOVING THIS!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its Always Been a Mixed Bag

I have been off the blog for a while but today i had a lot of fun learning new things and just twitching this and that. For the news, its BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!! I have never followed an election as I did this one except for the joke we had here in Zim a few months back. It had everything from big bucks, great debates, a beautiful woman (though i didn't support her) - she would have been the hottest VP ever!! Religious issues - Islam, Christianity, terrorism. After all this mesmerising rollercoaster ride i came to these conclusions:

- America is a true democracy and I love Obama

-John McCain is a great man

-and lastly, does African politics have a Russian culture??

Anyway i'm going to be blogging a lot more and providing great posts so its going to be fun!!

And oh! for the record the title is about my blog.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I have watched the situation in Zimbabwe deteriorate to a point where its no longer making any sense, truth be told Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF have destroyed anything good about our land and to make matters worse they are unrepented they want to continue forever because they fought the war - so did any other patrotic Zimbabwean. I would like to warn them that they are playing with GOD's children and for the LORD brought fought this earth and is in control of everything that is in it, HIS time for Zimbabwe has come and they shall feel the full wrath of his power!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good to be back

i'm back after months in the cyber-wilderness i'm back, a lot has happened but lets leave that to history, let me enjoy this