Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its Always Been a Mixed Bag

I have been off the blog for a while but today i had a lot of fun learning new things and just twitching this and that. For the news, its BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!! I have never followed an election as I did this one except for the joke we had here in Zim a few months back. It had everything from big bucks, great debates, a beautiful woman (though i didn't support her) - she would have been the hottest VP ever!! Religious issues - Islam, Christianity, terrorism. After all this mesmerising rollercoaster ride i came to these conclusions:

- America is a true democracy and I love Obama

-John McCain is a great man

-and lastly, does African politics have a Russian culture??

Anyway i'm going to be blogging a lot more and providing great posts so its going to be fun!!

And oh! for the record the title is about my blog.

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